Start at the beginning, go to the end, then stop. That’s how I write. I write quickly. I don’t try to show how intelligent or how cultivated I am, I just try to share my soul. Sharing is part of life. - Lewis Carroll

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'll Try To Look Another Beautiful Sky (ENG VERSION)

Nature can teach us many things. We can learn about the hardness and strength of a rock. The river takes us on a broad understanding of life and continues to flow, not stagnation. A bud symbolizes new hope. A tree makes us understand the roots to continue to seep into the water to survive.

There are many things that happen in this world that can teach us about the meaning of life. Right now I'm watching the sky. Tilted  my head at her. Sometimes she was so beautiful, till we do not want to leave when we are under the auspices of the clouds that shade. But sometimes she was so terrible, and we protect ourselves from the storm that hit.

Life is fluctuating, as well as the sky. But one thing I learned from her: after she spilled her emotions in the form of storm winds and lightning, she would always show the other side, her femininity: rainbow. And the rainbow will look very beautiful after we feel the storm first.

Learn about the two faces of the sky, I'll keep trying to look into her femininity. Look not on the storm, but the rainbow after the storm .

Whatever have been happened in my life, I'll try to look another beautiful sky

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