Start at the beginning, go to the end, then stop. That’s how I write. I write quickly. I don’t try to show how intelligent or how cultivated I am, I just try to share my soul. Sharing is part of life. - Lewis Carroll

Monday, March 14, 2011


1. Subject: is the agent of the sentence in the active voice, it is a person or thing that does the action of the sentence, and it normally precedes the verb.
2. Verb: the verb follows the subject, it generally shows the action of the sentence, the verb may be a single word.
3. Complement: a complement completes the verb, it is similar to the subject because it is usually a noun or noun phrase, however it generally follows the verb when the sentence is in the active voice.
4. Modifier: a modifier tells the time, place, or manner of the action.

1. George is cooking dinner tonight.
Subject Verb Phrase Complement Modifier of time

2. Henry and Marcia have visited the president.
Subject Verb Phrase Complement

3. We can eat lunch in this restaurant today.
Subject Modals Verb Complement Modifier of place Modifier of Time

4. Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday.
Subject Modals Verb Phrase Complement Modifier of Time

5. Trees grow.
Subject Verb

6. It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.
Subject Verb Phrase Modifier of Time

7. She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
Subject Verb Complement Modifier of place Modifier of time

8. Harry is washing dishes right now.
Subject Verb Phrase Complement Modifier of Time

9. She opened her book.
Subject Verb Complement

10. Paul, William, and Marry were watching a television a few minutes ago.
Subject Verb Phrase Complement Modifier of time

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