Start at the beginning, go to the end, then stop. That’s how I write. I write quickly. I don’t try to show how intelligent or how cultivated I am, I just try to share my soul. Sharing is part of life. - Lewis Carroll

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What is the Meaning of Life? (ENG Version)

What is the meaning of life? Does merely being born into the world, grow up, be mature, work, get married, have a family, grow old, sick, and then end up in the cemetery?
What is the meaning of life if it just so? Have flashed briefly in our minds to these questions? This is also a constantly spinning in my mind for what I actually exist in the world?

There was no denying the life cycle is running as it is. We can not deny that it has become a natural process that every human being will live. But is life really just limited to that alone? Is not there anything else that can make life more colorful?

I know some people who live according to the cycle of life - there is nothing wrong with it. But after I considered, they live just as routine and they begin to saturate. They complain all day about their jobs, their families, their neighbors, their finances, etc.. They recognize they just live an ordinary life, nothing special. And saturation brings them on stage depressed - burn out. They no longer look at life with optimism and happiness, even they desire to quickly end their life.

I do not want to get caught in the cycle of life is like that. I do not want to burn out. I want to give another color in my life, giving meaning to the lives of others as well. I'm aware of is the cycle of life will continue as it is and I can not prevent or change it. But I can add something in the cycle. Make something different and make life more meaningful.

This is what I do these days, starting from a dream, write it down, take it in every my prayer, and take an action. I believe that when we give our lives for ourselves and others, we will continue to eagerly. Unlike when we are constantly thinking about our own interests, depression or burn-out will be faster perch in our minds. And most importantly, we should know for what purpose we exist in this world, not just only to increase the population of the world.

Have you ever heard before about the story of a young eagle which lives in the poultry farm? One day a farmer put the eagle's egg in the chicken coop. The hen was not aware that there are eggs in the nest eagle. Shortly the eagle’s egg hatch together with the others, and the eagle grew up with other chicks.

Every day the eaglet foraging together, sleep together, and how his life was the same with the chicken. He did not know that he was an eagle and believed himself he was a chicken, just like his brothers.

One day when they were looking for food in the fields, a collection of eagle flying high in the sky. The eaglet was stunned to see them, and said unto the chicken brother,
"Will I be like them?"
"Do not dream, we are a chicken and chickens do not fly!"
The eaglet was buried his dreams, lives life like a 'cock' till he dies. Without knowing that he is actually the eagle, the king of the sky.
What about us? Are we going to let our dreams just buried? Are we going to let our lives end up like 'most people'? Just let our identity and do not want to figure out what our purpose in life? What's the difference with the eaglet then?

Start dreaming, ask your heart what exactly that you want of your life. And acting, because faith without action was futile. Indeed, on the way to a dream that there are some who made us to say: you should desist or you should give up or should you not follow your dreams. But it only applies for a Loser. Because someone who dared to dream and make it happen - even though he knew there was a lot of risks and challenges - but keep continue to provide the best for her dream was a True Knight.

I also continue to do what my heart says, should strive to realize the dream. I realize I may not get through it alone, therefore I need the Hand of God. Surrender all my dreams to Him and allow Him to act when I've run out of ideas.

And when that day comes, the day in which it was to be the end of the cycle of life, I would lay in my final resting with a smile full of pride. Because I have successfully added the color in my life cycle and successfully realize the dream that gives meaning to life for others.

"Dream what you want, go wherever you want to go. Because you have only one life. And one change to do the things you want to do." - Paulo Coelho in What I Learned In Life Is

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