Start at the beginning, go to the end, then stop. That’s how I write. I write quickly. I don’t try to show how intelligent or how cultivated I am, I just try to share my soul. Sharing is part of life. - Lewis Carroll

Monday, July 16, 2012

Look At The Sky Every Day

For the Art Journal Caravan 2012: February Adventure Quest, Dark to Light
I started working on this a couple of weeks ago for another prompt, thinking about our inner qualities of dark and light. The imagery that kept coming to me was the violet crown we sometimes get in the Austin skies and that feeling I get when I look up at the sky and see something so beautiful and ethereal popping out above dark, ominous looking clouds. It’s also the imagery I conjure most often when I’m working through any problem. This is from one of my photos (reworked digitally) a favorite quote calligraphed in india ink, composited with a bit of digital glitter.


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